Friday, 31 October 2014

Aquaman (2011) #23.2 Review

Hey everybody, before I do this review, I  wish you all a very happy Halloween.

Okay, so I absolutly love this comic and love what The New 52 has done with the Ocean Master.

The premise of the story is Ocean Master's journey back to Atlantis after all the criminals are broken out of Belle Reve Prison by Deathstorm and Power Ring (chronologically before Forever Evil #1.)

This comic is rather slow pace as he makes his way to the sea, but it also gives a more genlte and "human" look on Orm.It also has some great dialogue and a surprising twist at the end that will surprise the reader and possibly make the charcter more likable, without making him repent and turn to a superhero. I like slow pace when it is worthy of the speed, choosing to go down a diffrent route to the more action packed Forever Evil central series and I feel the speed and tone of this issue is just perfect for the story it's trying to tell. This is Orm learning about both humanity and the act of humanity.

I would recommend this title for fans of the original Ocean Master in the early Aquaman comics, but would suggest for a tiny bit of back story to read Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, just to learn about the Atlantean attack on America.

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