Thursday 23 October 2014

Jonathan Crane (Batman Arkham Origins)

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Asylum

Jonathan Crane was a psychologist, who specialised in fear and over coming it. 

He often frequented Blackgate Prison, signing in to the visitors book using the official channels. During his sixth visit to the the pentitentiary, Black Mask (The Joker) had broken into the prison on Christmas Eve in order to release Calendar Man and kill Gillian Loeb. 

It is unclear whether he was taken hostage or escaped in the panic as he had not signed out when Batman searches through the book.

During this period of time he was looking for candidates for a clinical research trial, sending out flyers to diffrent places including the Final Offer. 

It can be asumed this was the first test of his Fear Toxin and he was scoping Blackgate for prisoners to take part in the trials.

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