Set during the days of the 1984 Miner's Strike, the story follows the relationship between a Welsh minning community in and the L.G.S.M (Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners), who are campaigning to help raise money for striking miners.
I had not heard about this before watching the trailer and reading about the film in Attitude, so it was great to go into the film to learn about a new topic in British history. It has a very classic feel, similar to movies such as Billy Elliot, the Full Monty and Brassed Off, withthe gritty realism of the same time period and the warmth and laughter to mark some scenes more jarring.
The cast is just fanominal with a group of characters that you can relate to and can have an emotinal attachment with. Scenes between Bill Nighy and Imelda Stauton are just so tenderly done and Staunton also steals multiple scenes she is in. Andrew Scott gives a powerful and spellbinding perfomance and Jessica Gunning plays a young Siân James (the first woman to represent Swansea East in polotics) with a fiesty and amazing prowess. But I think it is Ben Schnetzer and George MacKay, who are stand out in a cast that is so flawless. Schnetzer plays the main protaganist, Mark Ashton (socialist and gay rights actavist) with real beauty, while MacKay plays an original character so perfectly you could hardly tell he was fictional. The addition to a made up character gives us an additionl gateway and makes you feel you are there in the film.
The soundtrack was a blast back to the classics and give way to very impressive dance scene with Dominic West.
Overall I love this movie and think it is a must see movie for all, as it is a genearl feel good film with a great script and real emotion.
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